Arduino Uno Fire Detector 4PIN Flame detection Sensor

Arduino Fire Detector

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Hardware list

Optional: other parts required to control 12 V device.

IR Flame Sensor

IR Flame Sensor Module Detector Smartsense For Temperature Detecting Compatible With Arduino by Atomic Market
This sensor is able to detect a flame by sensing light wavelength between 760 – 1100 nanometers. The test distance depends on the flame size and sensitivity settings – during my tests a reliable maximum was around 1 meter. The detection angle is 60 degrees, so the flame does not have to be right in front of the sensor.
The sensitivity is adjustable with the blue digital potentiometer – if it is too high, then you will get false positives because of ordinary light. The working voltage is compatible with Arduino (3.3 – 5 V), so the connection is straightforward using just three wires.
There are two sensor outputs:
  • Digital – sending either zero for nothing detected or one for a positive detection
  • Analog – sending values in a range representing the flame probability/size/distance; must be connected to a PWM capable input


The circuit diagram show only the sensor connection. If you would also like to control 12 V devices (as shown in the video), then follow the instructions from the article Control 12V devices with Arduino or Raspberry Pi.


  Project name: flameSensor

  Description: Fire detector based on Arduino with a flame sensor. When fire is detected, turn on a 12 V device.

  Created by Pavel ( in 2016 <>


// lowest and highest analog sensor readings:
const int sensorMin = 0;
const int sensorMax = 1024;

const int pinDevice = 2;  // 12 V device

void setup() {
  pinMode(pinDevice, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // read the sensor on analog A0:
  int sensorReading = analogRead(A0);

  // map the sensor range (four options):
  // ex: 'long int map(long int, long int, long int, long int, long int)'
  int range = map(sensorReading, sensorMin, sensorMax, 0, 3);
  // range value:
  switch (range) {
  case 0: // close fire
 digitalWrite(pinDevice, HIGH);
  case 1: // distant fire
 digitalWrite(pinDevice, LOW);
  case 2: // no fire
 digitalWrite(pinDevice, LOW);
  delay(10);  // delay between reads

Labels: arduino Projects, Sensor

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